Friday, 30 September 2011

Note taking

Sheffield notes

I love reasearching and making notes.  I've done a good amount for my Sheffield book this week, and need to get on with the writing now. 

I am hoping for some clear time at the weekend to finish the tricky chapter I'm wrestling with at the moment.  Getting the chapter finished and moving on to the next is proving quite a motivating thought.

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Mapping the Change - week 2

Last week's session was all about excitement and inspiration.  This week was all about getting down to the writing - and all the planning, research and preparation that goes with that. 

I have known for a long time that the biggest barrier in the way of me becoming a writer is the assortment of distractions that drift in and out of my day, to entice me away from my desk and pens.  Sometimes the distractions are legitimate: doctors appointments, urgent trips to buy hen food because there is none left, testing someone on their spellings, cooking supper.  But more often the distractions are utterly ridiculous: rummaging on Pinterest, descaling the coffee machine, admiring the athleticism of the neighbour's cat, fretting about the straightness or otherwise of my fringe.

Sometimes you just need to sit down and bloody write.  How difficult can that be?  Really?

So this week I have a style guide to read, journalism protocols to understand, homework to write and research to do.  I'm also setting aside a big chunk of time to do some more reasearch for the book I'm writing.

Let's see if I get it all done.  It's not the planning that's impressive - it's the doing.

Research for my Sheffield book

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Mapping the Change - week 1

Overwhelmed, was my first thought.  My second thought was more of an internal shriek of excitement.

The highlight of the day for me had been at the very beginning, where we went around the table introducing ourselves.  Everybody described themselves as a writer - and that was exciting enough - but more significantly, nobody seemed apologetic for describing themselves in that way. 

I think of myself as a writer, and I would love to do more writing, and to earn a living by writing, but to describe myself as a writer is something I shy away from.  The title seems presumptuous, possibly even slightly boastful.  Nobody likes a show-off, so I've kept my love of writing and my plans for my writing hidden for many years.

But now, I don't really understand why I've been so squeamish about calling myself a writer.  What the first day of Mapping the Change showed me was that I write already.  I am a writer right now!  This autumn, on the course, I'm going to learn some new skills, get to know some other writers, and then try and earn a living from my writing.  It seems perfectly possible now.

Typists - from George Eastman House on Flickr