Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Mapping the Change - week 1

Overwhelmed, was my first thought.  My second thought was more of an internal shriek of excitement.

The highlight of the day for me had been at the very beginning, where we went around the table introducing ourselves.  Everybody described themselves as a writer - and that was exciting enough - but more significantly, nobody seemed apologetic for describing themselves in that way. 

I think of myself as a writer, and I would love to do more writing, and to earn a living by writing, but to describe myself as a writer is something I shy away from.  The title seems presumptuous, possibly even slightly boastful.  Nobody likes a show-off, so I've kept my love of writing and my plans for my writing hidden for many years.

But now, I don't really understand why I've been so squeamish about calling myself a writer.  What the first day of Mapping the Change showed me was that I write already.  I am a writer right now!  This autumn, on the course, I'm going to learn some new skills, get to know some other writers, and then try and earn a living from my writing.  It seems perfectly possible now.

Typists - from George Eastman House on Flickr

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